Quarantine Hustle

Quarantine Hustle

Always turn the negative situation into a positive situation”

Situation will teach you how to handle success and how to face a failure, but never give upon any kind of situation.

Pandemic or quarantine situation is something which has never been predicted by anyone, but technically it has given people time to step back and take a breath from their busy life.

Technical skills: I think lockdown has given me opportunity to learn many skills and improve my existing skills.

·       Started Learning Flutter: First lockdown in March I have learned Flutter from basics to creating Apps and UI’s.

·       Hackathons: Participated in 18 hours of Internity foundation hackathon for Maharashtra State Govt.

·       Events: I have also volunteered in one of the 12 hours of hackathon which also helped me to understand the background process of any event.

·       Internship: Pursuing online internship on UI/UX, Digital Marketing.


·       The difficulty which right now everyone is facing is an economic problem which is the major issue.

·       Keeping ourselves healthy and fit and maintaining social distancing and wearing masks all the time, sanitize every time, etc.

·       Not going outside without any valid reason. Stay away from outside food or junk.


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